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Overperforming and constantly proving yourself through external performance measures. Your know it all vibe makes you unapproachable and makes people feel like you are shutting down their ideas. Most introverts do this because they themselves feel shut down and they are trying to “win” the war of ideas decisively.

Seeking validation by chasing down specialty certifications, awards and recognition. You never feel good about where you are now or at ease in the current situation because you never feel good enough no matter how much you accomplish.

Shutting down and deciding you don’t care. Whenever possible you just don’t engage. You stare off in the distance or busy yourself with the food line or your phone at social events. Even though you are intelligent, fun and witty, only people who know you well see that side of you.  Your business associates probably think you have the personality of a grapefruit.

Boring everyone because you’re always talking shop. Even business meetings need a little breathing room for purely social interaction. But these are the things you can discuss with ease, so you dive right into the deep end and might even lack the situational awareness to notice your audience is tuning out. Let’s face it- you are no fun.

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