My book, TIME BUILDER Helps you effortlessly be more creative and do better work without the burnout
You get the advantage of my years of experience as an architect and everything I’ve learned about being an industry thought leader.
Proven results. I’ve done everything I recommend in the book and taught my coaching clients these same techniques.
Distraction proof your day and eliminate the single biggest drain on your time and creativity
I’ll help you unlock ways you’re misspending your time so you can reallocate work and win back hours. Learn high performance hacks that will keep you focused and innovative instead of stuck in the weeds.
“This book is now added to my personal favourites and will be one I will read again and again as these topics and actionable BIG IDEAS at the end of each chapter will help me remember to keep this approach to building time, creativity and impact in my work at the front of my mind. ”
—Sarah Francescutti
Career Crisis
My book, Career Crisis, is a step-by-step guide to uncovering your real career passions and motivations, setting both long and short-term goals, and creating an action plan to realizing the career of your dreams. Whether you are just starting out in the profession or have been working a while and questioning whether it’s all worth it, this book will help you to align your highest purpose with your career path as an architect.
Are you doing what you love, or just earning a paycheck? Perhaps you’re not working and feeling shut out of the profession. This book is designed to help you define a career on your own terms and go after it fearlessly. Connect with your highest purpose as a creative person and an architect by learning how to set professional goals that resonate with your true self. Then, put an action plan in place that allows you to make those goals a reality starting right now.I share my insights on everything from navigating office politics to networking, to building your personal brand and marketing it through your resume, portfolio, and social media profiles. Career Crisis will help architects at any stage of their career stay motivated and inspired. Whether you want to land your dream job or keep your career moving forward with purpose, this book will show you the way.
“Small book with a big punch…Not just targeted to people transitioning jobs but also to reawaken our current jobs, bringing excitement back to our desks.”
—Luis Peris
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