Join the Architects as Healers: Buildings as Medicine HOUSE.

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Hosted by Angela Mazzi and Megan Mazzocco

03.24.25 Guest Dr. Anmol Kappor on Health, Longevity and Human Potential Listen

03.13.25 Guest Martin Prince-Parrott on Urban Healthonomics Listen

02.03.25 Guest Sanjotz Thuo on design for the 5 senses Listen

01.20.25 Guest Shabboo Valipoor on flexible design Listen

11.28.24 Guest Nicholette Driggs on Accessbility and Equity Listen

11.04.24 Guest Stephen Parker on Trauma Informed Design Listen

10.28.24 Angela and Megan on Health Generators in Design Listen

10.14.24 Guest Ilana Judah on the ROI of Resilience Listen

09.30.24 Guest Eddie Palka on Affordable Housing Listen

09.23.24 Angela and Megan’s Design for Human Resilience talk at Smart Cities Conference Listen

09.16.24 Guest Ali Heshmati on Somatic Cycles Listen

09.09.24 Angela and Megan on If an Architect were Preseident Listen

06.03.24 Guest Ali Hesmati on the circadian system Listen

05.13.24 Guest B Sanborn on Human and Envronmental Design Research Listen

05.06.24 Guest Valentina Cereda on Regenerative Design Listen

04.29.24 Guest Raneem Anwar on Blue Spaces Listen

04.22.24 Guest Bintish Mowjsing on Vatsu Practices for wellness Listen

04.15.24 Guest Lukasz Krupinski on Evidence Based Well Being Listen

04.08.24 Guest Eric Corey Freed on Neuroenriched Healthcare Listen

04.01.24 Guest Erika Eitland on Health Equity  Listen

03.18.24 Guest Sarika Bajoria on Contemplative Design Listen

03.11.24 Guest Maighdlyn Hadley on the role of Interstitial Space in Well Being Listen

02.19.24 Guest Natasha Reid on Compassionate Design Listen

02.05.24 Guest Steffi Reyes-Thomas on holistic spaces Listen

01.22.24 Guest Kati Peditto on design for neurodiversity Listen

01.08.24 Guest Cleo Valentine  on neuroarchitecture in practice Listen

12.18.23 Guest Philip Ross on designing affirming mental health environments Listen

12.04.23 Guest Darguin Fortuna on Diversifying our viewpoint in the profession  Listen

11.27.23 Megan and Angela talk about making the case for wellbeing in design with clients Listen

11.05.23 Hear Angela speak with Greg Coni and Tiffany Broyles Yost on relilience and equity Listen

10.30.23 Guest Justin Moench on how lighting humanizes space Listen

10.23.23 Guest Dylan Seesman on design for quality of life Listen Guest Tracy Steward on measuring design impacts Listen

10.02.23 Guest Anjali Joseph on research tools and systems Listen

09.25.23 Guest Meredith Banasiak on measuring designs impacts on well being Listen

09.18.23 Guest Neda Norouzi on design for aging Listen

09.11.23 Livestream from our Aspire Talk Listen

08.28.23 Guest Esther Sternberg on the role of place for well being at work. Listen

06.05.23 Guest Blaine Brownell on emerging technologies to counter noise and light pollution Listen

05.15.23 Guest Roderic Walton on Evidence Based Design strategies for Health Equity Listen

04.17.23 Guest Christine Malecki West on how human centered design supports well being Listen

04.10.23 Guest Deborah Wingler on Using research to design for optimal user experience Listen

04.03.23 Guest Rikimah Glymph on Personal resiliency and sustainable work culture Listen

03.27.23 Guest Christina Vernon Sanborn on being a sustainability advocate Listen

03.06.23 Guest James Shraiky on health equity and prosperity Listen

02.13.23 Guest Kristin Kahle on the magic of modularity Listen

02.06.23 Guest Anosha Zanjani on the psychology of design Listen

01.30.23 Angela and Megan discuss building a better world  Listen

01.16.23 Guest Derrick Bransby on mapping space  to behavior and operations Listen

12.05.22 Guest Odile Smith on biophilic building Listen

11.28.22 Guests Marty Brennan and Lauri Tredinnick on biological lighting Listen

11.14.22 Megan and Angela talk the Sustainability Network Listen

11.07.22 Guest Dena Prastos on optimizing human and ecological outcomes Listen

10.24.22 Guest Kira Gould on sustainability and resiliency Listen

09.26.22 Guest Micene Fontaine on promoting education and dialogue around public health and social justice Listen

09.12.22 Guest Wayne Turrett talks the convergence of beauty, WELLbeing, and Sustainability Listen

08.15.22 Guest Brandi Susewitz on upcycling Listen

08.08.22 Guest Ganesh Nayek on design for neurodivergent populations Listen

07.25.22 Guest Cynthia Fishman on Biomimicry and Quality of Life Listen

07.18.22 Guest Noam Platt on designing for diverse physical ability Listen

07.11.22 Guest Michael Compton on Well Being and Facility Design Listen

06.27.22 Guest Tiffany Broyles Yost on integrating sustainability and wellness platforms Listen

06.20.22 Guest Lauren Schwade on lighting and well being Listen

06.13.22 Guest Tyler Wolf on living walls and community gardens Listen

06.06.22 Guest David Deemer on Design Bioethics Listen

05.16.22 Guest Stanton Wong on sustainability standards and assessment tools Listen

05.09.22 Guest Craig Stevenson on passive design Listen

05.02.22 Guest Adeel Khan on Net Zero Hunger Listen

04.18.22 Guest Rex Miller on healthy workspace Listen

04.11.22 Guest Martina Dresselt on conscious human mobility Listen

04.04.22 Guest Gideon Haris on affordable housing and equity Listen

03.28.22 Guest Richard Jedon on the psychology of architecture Listen

03.14.22 Guest Bill Coble on manufacturers empowering designers to improve lives Listen

03.07.22 Guests Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry on beautiful forms of energy Listen

02.28.22 Angela and Megan on Blue Urbanism Listen

02.14.22 Guest Andrew Peck on wellbeing, sustainability and renewables Listen

02.07.22 Guest Adele Houghton on design for equity Listen

01.31.22 Guest Ian Hoffman on Aural Environments Listen

01.24.22 Guest Cheryl Janis on the theraputic power of art. Listen

01.10.22 Guest JP Bedell on the healing power of lighting Listen

12.13.21 Guest Timothy Hsu on biosocial relationships/medical anthropology Listen

12.06.21 Guest Chas Wiederhold on the imperative of good design Listen

11.22.11 Guest David Navarrete on the bioscience of experience. Listen

11.08.21 Guest David Chambers on organization management and Lean  Listen

11.01.21 Guest Sara Marberry on moving the needle on wellness Listen

10.18.21 Room chat on healthy operations supported by design Listen

10.11.21 Guest Matthew McGrane talks design for underserved populations Listen

10.04.21 Guest JP Bedell on Light Languages Listen

09.27.21 Guest Ann Sussman on User Experience Listen

09.20.21 Guest Andre Darmanin on Urban Equity Listen

09.13.21 Guest Sonja Bochart on Biophilia practices Listen

08.30.21 Guest Diana Nicholas on Problem Definintion and UX Listen

08.16.21 Angela and Megan talk all things Biophilia Listen

08.09.21 Guest Laura Guido Clark on Color Listen

Jennifer Wagner Block on Indoor Air Quality Listen

08.02.21 Guests Michael Don Ham on Indoor Air Quality Listen

07.26.21 Guest Robin Guenther on Healthcare Without Harm Listen

07.19.21 Guest Sara Bayramzadeh on Advocacy for Responsive Design Listen

07.12.21 Guest Naomi Sachs on Therapeutic Design Listen

06.28.21 Guest Avani Parikh on Choice Archtecture Listen

06.21.21 Guest Richard Piacentini on biophilic systems Listen

06.14.21 Guest Sally Augustin on Environmental Psychology Listen

06.07.21 Guests Meridith Banasiak and Natalia Olszewska on Neuroarchitecture Listen

05.24.21 Megan and Angela talk Healing Gardens Listen

05.17.21 Guest Larissa Wild on Art and Well Being Listen

05.10.21 Guest Michelle Ossmann on Behavior and the Environment   Listen

05.03.21 Guests JP Bedell and Beatrice Witzell on the Intersection of Lighting, Smart Buildings, and Health

04.26.21 Guest Erin Peavey on Empowering Environments

04.19.21 Guest Susan Drake on Material Health and Sustainability

04.12.21 Guest Dr. Ting Jang on Measuring outcomes

04.05.21 Megan and Angela talk Exposome vs. Genome

3.29.21 Guest Diana Nicholas on Design and Social Justice

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