Welcome to the Architecting community! I believe that architecture affects everyone profoundly. Because the spaces we inhabit impact us physically, emotionally and spiritually, it is not acceptable for architects to “dumb down” their work to satisfy low budgets or risk adversity on the part of our clients. We need to stand in our power and use our skills to make the world a better place.
As I’ve pursued my own career, I’ve had a chance to observe the structure of quite a few firms around the country and to have my own come to Jesus moments about what it takes to be competent and do your job, what I call the compulsories: keeping clients happy, navigating office politics, following codes, you know all of that, vs following my passions. It really is hard to do all those compulsories well, and I saw people get lost in them, even hide behind them and the busyness they can generate. You can feel stalled out in your career and too overwhelmed to know what to do about it. As I started to really ponder all these kinds of career crisis moments, I realized- it came down to passion. Passion to do more than just be competent. Passion to change the world one project at a time.
Enjoy the podcast and all of the resources on this site to help you live your best architecture lifestyle.
Stay Inspired,
2024 AIA Ohio Gold Medal
The Gold Medal is the Highest honor AIA Ohio can bestow on an architect. I was grateful to have my career recognized and to have this platform to continue making a difference. Learn more here.
2022 HCD 10 Award: Top Architect
Architecture is advocacy! This is the mantra I live by. I was so honored to have my work and philosophy recognized by Healthcare Design.

Things you might want to know about me
I’m a type A fatalist- listen to the podcast to understand more about that apparent contradiction!
I am a partner at an awesome firm called GBBN and work full time as a healthcare architect doing research and medical planning. So when I talk issues- I’m living this not just talking big.
I specialize in design for well being and regularly speak and publish articles on the topic because it’s so important to me that clients and other architects create life enhancing spaces.
About all those letters after my name- I’m an OG Architect. I have received fellowship in the AIA and the American College of Healthcare architects (a specialty certification) and am certified in Evidence Based design. I believe that the more influence you have, the greater the impact you can have. So they give me street cred. And I’m kind of proud of the accomplishments they represent.
I have two “starter adult” kids who think I’m a badass. Did I mention they’re both really smart?
I do yoga because if you think I’m stressed out- you should see me when I don’t. Hey, mindfulness is a journey right?